Sunday, April 27, 2014

Overcoming obstacles - and overwhelmed by success at 57:13

 (PHOTO CREDITS: All photos courtesy of Mary Ewen. Instagram and Twitter: @maryyouwin)

This past Friday night, I joined my CrossFit family for my very first 5K - a trail run/walk on the hiking trails of the National Whitewater Center. Just six months ago, I never dreamed of being able to do any sort of 5K. Though I had helped others affix a bib to their clothing before, I never dreamed of wearing one myself. My body was in a constant state of rest and laziness when it came to anything fitness-related. But, with the progress I've made through CrossFit and the encouragement of my CrossFit family, I registered for the race about a week in advance - and promptly began regretting that decision.

My self-doubting voice kept saying things like:

"You're still fat. You think you can handle THIS?"

"It's going to take you forever to finish. What if you get lost in the woods?"

"There's no way you're ready for this."

But, with my friends' support, I silenced those voices. After achieving two PRs on Thursday night (95-lb front squats during the regular WOD and 95-lb squat clean and jerks during Oly class), I felt readier than ever to tackle the 5K. I also had been assured that a number of my friends would be waiting for me at the finish line to cheer me to success - no matter how long it took me.

And then the race began on level ground that quickly turned into twists, turns, steep inclines and declines, rocks, roots, snakes (*shudder*), bugs and the land of dehydration. It quickly became a mind game, especially after the first and second miles seemed to take forever (Side note: You can only swallow so much of your saliva to stave off thirst. Be prepared with a hydration pack or belt.). However, Dawn (a CF family member - in the foreground (pink shirt) of the second picture) stayed by my side the entire race to push me and help me along. She even helped to smash cramping calves and tense shoulders, and assured me that this was likely the hardest 5K I'll ever do thanks to the terrain changes. I don't think I could have fought past the negative voices without her there - and I'm sure there are more races in my future.

In the last quarter-mile of the race, I was so motivated by thirst and the cheers from afar that when I saw the clearing, I got a second wind and ran the last bit through the finish line. I realized that after more than three miles, I am capable of anything that I put my mind to. I have turned my life around from a lifestyle of depression and laziness to a lifestyle of activity and health. I collapsed to my knees after I crossed the finish line not because I was sore, dehydrated and tired (though I was), but because I was overcome by thankfulness and the emotion of finishing something I never thought I could. I've been surrounded by people who believe I can and who encourage me to achieve my goals, no matter how stubborn I am - such a difference from where I was previously.

I finished that race in less than an hour - 57:13 - and while it's not as fast as most people, I wasn't the last to finish and my time was better than I expected it to be, considering I can barely run 400m at a time. God gave me the ability, strength and determination to do more than I had ever imagined. 57:13 will stick in my mind forever as a reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to - and to never shut out the positive influences in my life.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Celebrating and meditating - 45 pounds gone!

Today I'm celebrating 45 pounds lost since December 4, 2013. I wish I could sit here and write about just how easy it's been, but it has been ridiculously hard. As I've mentioned before, I couldn't have done it, or continue to do it, without having an incredible support system, or a positive attitude.

It’s truly empowering when you finally realize just how much stronger and healthier you've become. Over the past few months, I've learned the value of recognizing non-scale victories as my journey continues. I made a list of some "duh" ones and some that were totally unexpected for me. Fans and friends, I present the top 12 (I know, should be 10, but I'm weird like that) ways I’ve realized that I’m dropping the pounds and getting stronger:
  1. The bath towel fits all the way around my body after my shower (no kidding – so cozy!).
  2. A skirt I wore just three weeks ago, comfortably, can now only fit comfortably when I put my arm in the waistband…yeah, the days of wearing that skirt are over.
  3. Most mornings require at least an hour to get ready simply because I have to put on three different outfits to ensure I don’t look like I’m slumming it in oversized dress clothes.
  4. Deadlifting my 70-pound dog on and off the bed is EASY.
  5. I really CAN carry all of the groceries up the stairs and into the apartment in one trip.
  6. None of my undergarments fit. Seriously. Who knew tights and underwear could become too big?! Let’s not even talk about the bra collection…grr.
  7. Almost every day, I get so excited to see muscle definition that I *may or may not* tell someone to just “feel it” when I flex my biceps. Annoying, I know. But awesome. Also, I’m fascinated by my now-visible clavicles and the little “dents” appearing around my ankles and wrists.
  8. After years of snubbing consignment shops, I’m learning that they are a pretty good option for shopping while losing weight. $14 blazer that was originally at least $75? Don’t mind if I do.
  9. I've learned that I can start shopping again at "normal" (read: not fat lady) stores. My new shorts are from New York & Company.
  10. My fingers, hands, and wrists are getting bonier by the day. I bought a beautiful amethyst ring for myself around Christmas last year, and at the time, the ring fit perfectly on my size 7 ½ right-ring finger. Now, I have to wear it on the middle finger because it’s at least one full size, if not one-and-a-half sizes, too big. Also, my parents bought me a Citizen watch for Christmas, and I had to have two links taken out when I bought that ring – and now I need at least 3 more removed.
  11. When I went to Paris and London, I actually fit comfortably in the airplane seats.
  12. On April 17, the WOD included weighted step-ups and hang snatches. I started by modifying to 45 pounds of weight, and used only a 12” box for my step-ups instead of 20”, because there was no way I could get up on the 20” box with that extra 45 pounds of weight. Epiphany: There was no way I could get up on the 20” box with that extra 45 pounds of weight. I’ve been doing step-ups on 20” boxes now for a couple months. How crazy is that? If I hadn’t lost that extra 45 pounds, there’s probably no way I could step on a 20” box. I also was throwing the 45 pounds above my head during the hang snatches (pretty high reps), and was floored by how difficult they were. Wow. I’m pretty much in awe of the changes that have occurred in just a little over four months - it's so encouraging to write this out.
If you're working to lose weight, get healthy, and build up your strength, I encourage you to invest in yourself. Eat right (avoid grains and processed sugars, and drink plenty of water). Challenge yourself with exercise (Walking isn't really exercise...IMHO). Make sure you're getting enough sleep. If you want to weigh yourself (I know I do), try to weigh yourself only once a week at the same time, wearing the same clothing (or none, if that's your thing). Recognize that body weight fluctuates constantly throughout the day, and that you must work hard and sacrifice things to succeed, whether it's your so-called "favorite" foods, time with friends, or making sure your house is pristine. Eventually, all of that work and sacrifice will start paying off when you recognize the non-scale victories.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

One month Paleo check-in! (Size DOES matter)

Ladies and gents, I realized tonight that I've been following Paleo for about a month now (give or take my adventures abroad), and decided to check my progress. I'm extremely excited to share that...

I'm down 16 INCHES all over my body since March 5. (Jaw. Dropped. When I calculated that!) Now, my detail-oriented personality took over when I first measured myself so I took measurements on just about everything...except my hands and feet. Neck, bust, upper arms, waist, hips, thighs, calves...yup.)

I've lost 3 1/2 inches in my hips, 2 1/4 in my waist, 1 in my bust (sad story!) and 2 off each of my just a month.

I'm lighter today than I was when I first joined that nationally-recognized weight loss program in 2008! Woo hoo!

In January, I was a size 22-24. Today I'm a solid 18 (and can't wait to shop in regular stores again). I'm starting to run out of clothing that fits, and am now on a tight budget. So, adequate warning - I may recycle pieces day to day a la French women. Yes, they will be clean. Yes, I'll change up the accessories. But please give me some grace if you notice a recycled outfit!

And finally...I fit comfortably in the airplanes during my trip. It's one of those things I had on the list of why I wanted to lose weight, and check! What a huge relief!

I never imagined that after struggling through other programs previously that is see so much progress in such a short time combining CrossFit and Paleo. Since February 2013 (just over a year ago), I've lost about 55 lbs - and 35 of that has been lost since I began CrossFit in January.

As I've been preaching all along, having the right support system, the right timing and the right tools are essential to realizing success. I know CrossFit and/or Paleo isn't for everyone - but it's working for me and I'm excited to share my successes with you. I'll try to post some pictures later this week if I gain the courage to share the "ugly body" photos with the world.

Thanks for coming along for the ride!


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Lauren's European Vacation (and Business Trip)

(Disclaimer: I'm writing this still feeling a little tired and dealing with seasonal allergies, so I'm not really being mindful of grammar.)

I know things have been a little quiet for the past week or so, but that's because, as my friends and family know, I was out of the country for work (Paris) and vacation (London).

I've been to Paris a few times for work, but this most recent trip provided a different opportunity, as I've never gone to Paris while watching how I eat. Thanks to my CrossFit family, I had plenty of Paleo snacks with me on the plane -- poached chicken (made at home, then froze for preservation), baby carrots, plantain chips, Larabars (Cherry Pie - whoa!), banana, apple, cashews -- that being said, I was successful in following Paleo during 17 hours in airports and in planes.

But, after my first meal in town, I was relegated to conference meals that provided very limited Paleo-friendly food options. I tried to stick as closely to Paleo as possible, but I had to make some sacrifices. The sacrifices were made 1) because of the language barrier (I dare you to try to tell a French person that you don't eat bread or cheese) and 2) I didn't have many options. Yes, I ate a croissant (a must in Paris). Yes, I ate a small piece of dark chocolate galette. Yes, I drank good French wine (with the Germans). Yes, I ate four bites of a nutella-banana crepe. Terrible sacrifices, I know. And, frankly, I felt them.

On Thursday, my friend and I took the train up to London for a long weekend vacation. I thought it would be easier to follow Paleo in London, but, boy, was I wrong. It was even harder to follow Paleo in London, even without a language barrier. The main cuisines of London are based on comfort food and pub food, and we enjoyed what they offered. Potatoes were everywhere - in pasties, with fish, alongside a shoulder of venison. However, we walked a lot - probably about 3-5 miles a day - and used the Tube to go longer distances. Helpful hint: If you ever go to London, bring your walking shoes, even if you only use them for going from check-in at Heathrow to your departure gate. Also, you may want to bring a water bottle that you can carry anywhere with you. Free water is hard to come by (and so are free public toilets, but that's another issue. Hydrate!)!

One thing I learned from traveling abroad this time around is just how much better I feel when I'm eating right. I came back from my trip feeling (and looking) bloated and sluggish. I didn't gain any weight, but I didn't lose any more, either. Even though poor food choices are delicious sometimes, I've restarted my Paleo adventures since returning and am already starting to feel better! I just made a pretty delicious Paleo Banana Bread recipe to have on-hand for breakfasts the rest of the week (accompanied with protein, of course).

I'm so glad I returned to CrossFit right away. I didn't get to complete the 14.5 CrossFit Open WOD, but I eased back in with "the Chief" and did better than I expected. I'm dealing with some delayed-onset muscle soreness, but I know I'll get used to the good soreness again in a few days. I'm so glad to be back to my routine with the support of my CrossFit family!