Sunday, June 8, 2014

JUMP! (For my WOD)

Last week goes down in the book as the week of my first actual CrossFit injuries. On Thursday, I strained something in my shoulder. And on Friday, I fell. Hard.

Since I started CrossFit, I've modified box jumps to step-ups for a couple of reasons. First, I was too heavy to get much more than a few inches off the ground. That's not true anymore, and the second reason was the one that most held me back - fear. I was afraid of getting injured. I knew someone several years ago who gashed her shin from a box jump and ended up with a terrible infection. So, up until this past Friday, I had only done about three actual box jumps in my life, mostly while holding the hand of a coach.

Friday came around, and the workout included the dreaded box jumps. I've been on a streak of attempting to Rx the workouts whenever possible (I'm getting closer), and step-ups weren't an option for scoring the workout. So, I grabbed a 12-inch box and, terrified, stood in front of it for a few seconds as I gaped at far more talented athletes who were jumping atop 30"+ boxes with no problem. At the urging of a friend who was nearly in the same boat besides me (albeit slightly younger and more fearless), I made my first attempt on the 12-inch box, and to my surprise, landed on top without a problem. I did that about three more times before adding an extra two inches using a 25-pound plate. Then, after some hesitation, I jumped on that a couple times. I added another plate and did the same thing - some fear, but no problem. And then I added the third plate. My friend measured the height at 18 inches. With some encouragement from my friend and also my coach, I made the first jump and - TRIUMPH! I came down off the box and readied myself for a second attempt.

And on that second attempt, I bit it. Hard. It all happened so fast - but I felt my left ankle pop. At first, I couldn't put weight on it. After sitting for a couple minutes, I was able to walk it off partially and finish the rest of the workout (without finishing the box jumps).

The soreness nagged through Saturday (which required a forced rest day) and my ankle is still feeling a little strained today. While it is frustrating that I couldn't complete that second 18-inch box jump, I was reminded today as I passed my dog's leash around my back that less than six months ago, I couldn't even pass a medicine ball or kettlebell 360 degrees around my body because it was so BIG. I'm smaller. I'm stronger. And even though the box bit back, I'm going to keep trying box jumps until I'm successful consistently. It ain't over, folks. Here's to starting the week with a clean slate and continuing to press on in my journey to greater health and strength.

Progress update: This week, I weighed myself for the first time in a couple weeks, and found that I've now lost 54 pounds since mid-December and 38 pounds since starting to follow a mostly Paleo lifestyle in February in conjunction with CrossFit. Once again, my clothes are getting too big…

Also, bonus points (+++) to those of you who understood my Pointer Sisters wordplay in the title of this post. I'm a nerd who grew up to the sounds of Motown, classic rock, and R&B.

1 comment:

  1. Woot!! Love your blog!! You are such an awesome writer I wouldn't recommend getting injured, but since you did, here are some ways to look on the bright side: 1. You earned that injury by testing yourself, getting outside your comfor zone, and facing down something that scared you - and that is pretty badass!! 2. Now that you are injured, you will have to find all new ways to get your work out. It is an opportunity to broaden your horizons. 3. Being injured it makes me appreciate how much I actually enjoy working out – in the old days I would have used it as an excuse to be lazy, now I'm just bummed that I can't do my ordinary routine. I'm so excited for your journey!!
