Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The "F" Words: Frustration, Fear and Food

I can’t believe that summer will end officially in less than a week. I know most people bid adieu around Labor Day, but I’m a die-hard “real Autumn” fan (September 23, baby!). I’m also pretty sure I inadvertently took a summer vacation from my blogging…

Over the summer, I only lost about another five pounds, bringing my total lost to 60 pounds and getting me to my pre-wedding weight. After much introspection, I realize I became frustrated, let fear take the steering wheel, and used food to cope with change and reward myself. I sabotaged my own success with four “F” words - frustration, fear and food - and as a result, I still have about 45 pounds to lose to get to where I want to be.

So why did I get frustrated? I stopped seeing progress on the scale. Why did I stop seeing progress on the scale? I have many theories about this, but it all comes back to attitude. I had a lot of negative things happen following the last blog post, and struggled to see the positives. I let my negative attitude take over everything – including my commitment to health and strength. I felt very alone, even though I was supposed to be part of the CrossFit community. I also let myself be so severely affected by some changes to my routine that I just let things spin out of control.

When I was about to re-commit to CrossFit 4-5 times a week, I had a night out on the town with friends during which my lack of coordination reared its ugly head as I exited the dance floor. Graceful little me fell and sprained my ankle/foot. Based on my last sprain (which had a much cooler CrossFit story) and how that took forever to heal, I made the conscious decision to take at least one week, if not longer, off to allow my ankle/foot to heal. The day before I returned to CrossFit, I was multitasking in the kitchen and forgot a panhandle 10 minutes out of the oven would be hot. I ended up with a second-degree burn in the crease of my palm on my right hand. One injury was frustrating, and a second was doubly so. Especially since I am the only one to blame for both injuries.

I hit my pre-wedding weight in August, with exactly 60 pounds lost. I finally shifted into a size 16. And I got comfortable. I don’t remember ever being lighter than that weight, or smaller than that size, in what I consider my adult life. I then realized that I had so much more weight left to lose. As I so often do, I started overthinking it, and decided to stay in my little comfort zone at that weight. Fear set in and led to some old bad habits.

It’s time to be real. Change excites some people; I am not one of them. I was terrified of the unknown territory ahead. It’s amazing, yet difficult, to process how quickly your body has changed. Seeing legitimate muscle definition in your arms is both an a-ha moment and an “oh, crap” moment. Feeling the muscles in your legs can have the same effect. And comparing old pictures with current pictures can just send your brain right into overdrive. I see newer pictures and think, “Who is that woman?” Of course, it’s me. But in some ways, I feel my identity has changed. When I changed my name in August, I had to get a new drivers license picture. My last drivers license picture was taken in February. I don’t look the same! Yes, it’s a good thing, but it’s also scary. What will I look like when I lose the rest of the weight? I want to be strong, but will I still look like me?

Ah, my favorite four-letter “F” word. I think I’ve mentioned previously that I struggled with emotional eating. Between the frustration and the fear, I was in a precarious position – and I couldn’t figure out how to eat “paleo” while allowing some non-paleo foods without going crazy. I very literally fed my frustration and fear.

Celebrations mean good eating, right? I think I created opportunities to celebrate so I could “let go” with some license. Labor Day weekend was a crapshoot diet-wise. I celebrated my name change, distracted myself from my divorce and wedding date (same day, evil judge…), kicked off the “unofficial” end of summer with friends, and ate pretty poorly.

Playing with “Blocks”
So, what’s next? Well, I’m getting back on the proverbial wagon on the journey to health and strength. I may not follow a strictly paleo lifestyle, but I have some help from my CrossFit coaches to help rebalance my hormones and blood sugars through a Zone approach (hence the “blocks”). (NOTE: I despise measuring and weighing food. It’s tedious. It’s far too detailed for my taste. But I’m giving it a shot for at least two weeks. Here's hoping for results that make the details worth it!) I’ll be starting that adventure on Saturday. Next week, I’ll be back at CrossFit a minimum of four times a week (and hopefully five times most weeks).

If you’re on a journey of change, too, know this – you can only be successful if you are ready to embrace the change with your whole being – mind, heart, soul and body. I’ve found, for me, it’s necessary to recalibrate on occasion. As unproductive as it may be, sometimes I need to be burnt by the fire and given a chance to rise out of the ashes. It’s a constant journey of renewal, and one that shouldn’t be taken alone.

I’ll close with this thought: “I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it.” – Mae West

1 comment:

  1. Gettit. That last bit before the goal will be the hardest, but you have been preparing yourself for it. kNOw PAIN kNOw GAIN. No reward is rewarding without sacrifice, or in this case escalated sacrifice.
